jueves, 24 de abril de 2014


All the pieces

A general view of all of them

A cup, a cake and a jar

A tortoise face

A camera decorated with a cat

A cat and a heart pot

Look at the snowman

An upside down face?

A beautiful flower

A nice teapot

A classmate

As you can see all these pieces are very primitive but it's the first time they work using this kind of material. The next step is coloring them carefully, we'll show you the final result in another post.We are very grateful to a bussiness of pottery near our place "Miguel Sanjuan " who has donated the clay to our school.

Estos son los primeros trabajos de los niños de 4º con arcilla. Sus creaciones son muy básicas y rudimentarias pero nunca antes han trabajado con este material. Aùn no están acabadas, las tenemos que pintar y ya os mostraremos el resultado final. Damos las gracias a una alfarería cercana, "Miguel Sanjuan" de Jiménez de Jamúz, quien amablemente ha donado la arcilla, lista para su uso.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Studying Geography is fun¡¡

The 3rd grade pupils learn Geography in an artistic way as you can see, plasticine,information and creativity is all they need to know basic concepts about landscapes,mountains...
A general view of some works

 Nice and simple label mountain
We use clay too

Los niños de 3 se inician en el aprendizaje de la Geografia de una forma divertida y artistica. Usando plastilina ,informacion y creatividad  expresan conceptos basicos sobre paisajes y montañas.Animo y a seguir asi.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014


This year our Spring tree is full of flowers made of napkins folded as if we were making a paper fun and a circle glued in the centre.Do you like it¿

Spring tree

FLowers and butterflies

A new and little spring tree.

El arbol de la primavera de este curso esta lleno de flores hechas con servilletas decoradas,dobladas como si fueramos a hacer un abanico de papel,hacemos dos para hacer una flor,pegamos un circulo en el centro y ya esta. Mariposas y pequeñas flores tambien decoran el pequeño arbol hecho de hueveras.Os gusta¿

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014


As we usually do as teachers is to talk to our pupils about good behaviour and rules they must follow and rights they have and they express all their ideas and opinions in an artistic way we show you.

This works as made by the second grade pupils,the Dove of Peace is hanging from the big ball that is representing the world.Thanks for your lovely idea.

Os presentamos el trabajo que los niños de segundo realizaron para expresar de forma artistica su ideas sobre la amistad,el buen comportamiento,el compañerismo...y que como profesores trabajamos en el aula diariamente.La paloma de la paz cuelga de la gran bola azul que representa el mundo. Gracias chicos por esta bonita idea.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014



The first letter of their names is an excuse to work on an art workshop. Recycling some materials like cardboards, magazines, newspapers...and magic! Now we have some beautiful letters all around the first floor,where the 6th classroom is. Los alumnos de 6º han hecho la inicial de su letra usando cartones, periódicos, pinturas y todo el material que quieran para decorar.