martes, 12 de marzo de 2013


Michelangelo was an artist. He was born in Italy in 1475. He was brilliant and talented in many ways; he could paint, sculpt, design buildings, and write poetry. He is best known for his sculptures and frescos (paintings on wet plaster).

Pupils know this artist a little bit because they read his biography(adaptated to their age). They have observed some painting of the Sistine Chapel.

Here are the pupils working on this proyect.
choosing a colour

protected with newspapers

funny painting
They are painting.

the ceiling of the Chapel on this experience is the down part of their desks.
Los niños están pintando como el gran artista Miguel Àngel. Primero han lo han conocido un poco leyendo en inglés su biografía, y han visto sus obras pictóricas y después ellos han creado estas.

ATENCIÓN: Dibujos pintados en la posición arriba expuesta.

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