lunes, 7 de julio de 2014


This time we ask for help to the families because we need some old things for the exhibition. The third Science festival. The point was to show pupils the changes of some simple objects, the history ,the invention...
Some odds and ends were amazing for them and for parents , grandparents and some teachers were  good memories from the past.

Do you recognise these objects? Do you know their use? Do you know the history of them? if you don't, discover them!!!!

An ancient radio

An instrument to blow air on fire ( bellows)

A sharpener

The first electric iron

Different types of scissors

A stand of the expo

A metallic sharpener, a fun, some irons...

A type writing machine 

Some radios, tv, type writing machines... the abbey road (vinyl record)

The old "cabage"for going to school

Eartenware pitcher to keep water cool

Some wooden shoes

An instrument to measure weight, an object to put water in, a metallic pot, a basket...

An old game : wooden raquets and a piece of wood.

An object made of straw to keep water.

Después del éxito de esta exposición sólo nos queda dar las gracias a las familias y profesores del centro que han prestado objetos que quizás no tengan uso actualmente pero que se guardan con cariño en las casas, de ahí el nombre de la exposición"Cachivaches". En esta ocasión la feria de la ciencia y los experimentos se centró en conocer cómo han evolucionado algunos objetos, como otros han caído en desuso y se recuerdan con nostalgia y otros son totalmente desconocidos . Nos ha gustado mucho esta experiencia.

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